
Friday, 18 August 2017


Converting Digital to Analogue time 18817

Use the words:
o’clock,  half past …,  quarter past … quarter to … morning, afternoon

Digital time
Analogue Time
1.  7.30
Half past 7 in the morning
2.  3.15
Quarter past 3 in the morning
3.  6.00
6 o'clock in the morning
4.  13.30
Half past 1 in the  afternoon
5.   14.30
Half past 2 in the afternoon
6.   15.00
3 o'clock in the afternoon
7.   16.45
Quarter to 5 in the afternoon
8.   2.30
Half past 2 in the afternoon
9.   19.15
Quarter past 7 in the afternoon
10.  22.45
Quarter to 11 in the afternoon
11.  7.15
Quarter past 7 in the afternoon
12.  5.30
Half past 5 in the morning
13.  8.45
Quarter to 9 in the morning
14.  9.15
Quarter past 9 in the morning
15.  6.45
Quarter to 7 in the morning
16.  20.30
Half past 8 in the afternoon
17.  9.15
Quarter past 9 in the morning
18.  2.45
Quarter to 3 in the morning
19.  19.00
7 o’clock in the afternoon
20.  19.45
Quarter to 8 in the afternoon
Today we had to do digital time as well as analogue time because some of us didn't know the different of analogue time and digital time.
I hope you guys like time please feel free to leave a comment.


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