Thursday 23 May 2019
Danger Man
Did I understand
What two things did he wonder weather they were legal or not?
“Do you want to sleep outside?”
“Do you want to clean the toilets with your toothbrushes?”
Was it an eerie kind of morning?
What was half hidden in the bush?
It was a flying fox
What did he untie?
The pulley
Why did the wire drop?
Because he was getting stuck in the middle. ( Josh’s weight on it. )
How did the other boys get out to Josh?
With the abboned raft
Where was the adults at the end?
They were waiting at the tree
List all the things the boys probably shouldn’t of done?
1. Woke up in the middle of the night.
2. Going out exploring.
3. Going on the fly-fox
B. What’s the questions?
Raft - How did the boys do to get to Josh?
Soaked - Who was soaked?
Camp - Who were the people that went to camp?
C. Word study
Legal - Are you allowed?
Mist - Fog, parts of clouds in the air.
Dammed up - Wet, full of water.
Flying fox - Take you one place to the other.
D. Chunking
Write down 3 words from the journal that you can chunk.
Toothbrush = Tooth + brush
Freezing = Free + zing
Momentum = Mo + men + tum
E. Syllables
Write 2 words from the journal that have 2 syllables.
Eventually = E/ven/tua/lly
Ridiculous = Ri/di/cu/lous
F. My thesaurus
Choose 5 words from the journal and write another word for each word chosen which has a similar meaning.
Properly - Well
Confidently - Positive
Attempt - Try
Awesome - Nice
Cold - Icy